Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00

(609) 883-2900 
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628



Ewing Township strives to incorporate principles of sustainability in its actions and initiatives to create a community that leaves our town a better place for our children, grandchildren and future generations to come.  Creating a sustainable community requires leadership, vision, and commitment to environmental principles and initiatives.

Two specific Township boards were created with missions to work towards those goals, the Ewing Environmental Commission and the Ewing Green Team.  The Ewing Environmental Commission was created in 1973 to preserve and protect the natural resources within Ewing Township and to work to ensure that the development and the usage of Ewing lands and properties meet with sound environmental principles.  The Ewing Green Team was formed in 2009 as the entity that pursues certification from Sustainable Jersey, a nonprofit organization that provides tools, training and financial incentives to support communities as they attempt to become more sustainable.  Both these entities work cooperatively with each other, other Township boards and commissions, and Township officials to create a path toward a more sustainable future for our residents and advance environmental initiatives.

The following are among the initiatives undertaken within the past several years:  

  • Energy saving white roof at the municipal building
  • Energy efficient boilers and AC
    • Municipal building
    • Hollowbrook
  • LED Lighting retrofitting
    • Ewing Senior and Community Center (ESCC)
    • Municipal Building – Council, Agenda and Court rooms
    • Hollowbrook
    • Municipal Parking lots at Jake Garzio Drive and the ESCC
  • Permeable paving at the ESCC.
  • New windows at Hollowbrook.
  • Purchase of all Township appliances include a sustainability consideration.  Energy star appliances are selected as a matter of first choice.
  • Installation of EV charging stations at municipal locations (municipal building, Hollowbrookk Community Center, and Station 30 Fire Co.). The chargers are ChargePoint branded, dual port, level 2 chargers and are equipped with J1772 connectors providing up to 7.2KW of power each. They were installed in 2024 as a part of an “It Pays to Plug In” grant from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Sustainable Jersey Awards

In November 2013 Ewing received its first Sustainable Jersey recognition – Bronze level certification. And, just three years later, in 2016, we re-certified at the Silver level! This was followed in the Fall of 2019 with another SILVER certification for a total of 510 points.  In 2022 we recertified once againat the SILVER level with 465 points.  To achieve this, Ewing completed a total of 43 actions in 16 categories.  Of New Jersey’s 565 municipalities, we are one of only 53 Silver certified and 151 Bronze certified.  By becoming a Sustainable Jersey certified town, Ewing Township has reinforced its commitment to saving resources, the environment and the planet. 

Sustainability Champion

Ewing also achieved the 2016 Sustainability Champion award in the medium municipality category (population between 5,000 – 39,999). The award is for receiving the highest number of points in this population category. This award is one of five categories awarded each year: Sustainability Champion, Leadership, Creativity & Innovation, Collaboration, and Rookie of the Year. Award winners are selected from the municipalities that were certified or re-certified in the designated award year.

Building a Sustainable Future in NJ

Across New Jersey, hundreds of towns are now working on sustainability programs to help the environment and their bottom lines. Efforts to curb carbon emissions, protect natural resources and reduce waste are happening at the local level. Through the voluntary program, communities are implementing solar power and wind turbine projects, rain capture and reuse efforts, new walking and biking programs, building and operating community food gardens, launching community outreach programs on recycling and energy, and dozens of other initiatives. To become Sustainable Jersey certified, Ewing had to complete a balance of the rigorous program sustainability actions in addition to creating a green team.  Actions include working to save and create habitat for wildlife in town, promoting "The Arts," redeveloping Brownfields on the former GM site, holding an annual Green Fair, offering plots at a community garden, and protecting our natural resources by protecting our trees and much more.  Please see Ewing’s Sustainable Jersey Profile to view the 2019 Silver Certification Report for details of the actions that were considered in becoming Silver Certified.

About Sustainable Jersey

Sustainable Jersey certification is a prestigious designation for municipal governments in New Jersey. Municipalities that achieve certification are considered by their peers, by state government and by the experts and civic organizations in New Jersey, to be among the leading environmental municipalities in the state. Certification is a rigorous process and once certified, Sustainable Jersey towns have access to incentives and grants; training and guidance towards the development of a sustainable community; and are promoted on the Sustainable Jersey website as a town that is doing its part for the environment. For more information about Sustainable Jersey visit their website at /