Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00

(609) 883-2900 
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

Alerts and Notifications


Register online with Ewing Township to receive alerts via the RAVE Mobile Alerts Community Notification System powered by Smart911 about emergencies, flooding, road closures, power outages and other information relevant to the community.  If you already have an account you may sign in online.

In addition to providing an email address, you can include your address, cell phones and land line phones. Alerts may be sent by email, text or voice. Adding an address is recommended since some alerts can be targeted to a specific geographic area if necessary.  


  • Mayor's Messages  Communications from the Mayor on both emergency and special news, information and events.  These are delivered through the Swift911™ Community Notification System.
  • Council Meeting Agendas The agenda is prepared by the Council President and the Township Clerk with items proposed by the Township Council and the Administration. Prior to the meeting, the agenda is posted in the municipal building and on the web site.  Sign up to be notified when an agenda is published.
  • Planning Board Documents  Each agenda is prepared by staff and approved by the Zoning Officer with each variance or application for development submitted for approval Agendas are posted on as soon as they are finalized.  Sign up to be notified when an agenda is published.
  • Zoning Board Documents  Each agenda with current variance requests and applications for development submitted for approval is prepared by staff and approved by the Zoning Officer. Agendas are posted on as soon as they are finalized. Sign up to be notified when an agenda is published.


If you do not see expected emails, please be sure to check your spam/junk email folders.  Automated emails can be interpreted by your email provider as spam so you may need to change your account settings to allow these messages. 


Receive e-mail notifications about the things that interest you. Options include:

  • Community Affairs emails about programs for kids and adults, the Ewing Pool System, and special community events.  The Recreation Department uses CommunityPass for program registration, as well as email notifications.  You will need to supply all information required by the CommunityPass program.  

Due to differences in security protocols, users need to register for alerts and notifications separately. You will receive separate subscription confirmation for each notification to which you subscribe.
Swift911 Community Notifications

RAVE Mobile Alerts

Stay better informed during weather emergencies and other important events with the RAVE Mobile Alerts Community Notification system powered by Smart911. Sign up to receive message by email, text, or voice.

Learn More