Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00

(609) 883-2900 
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

Environmental Commission

Board Members

Evan R. Crumiller  Planning Board Rep  [Term exp. 12/31/26] - Chair
Joseph-Mark Mirabella [Term exp. 12/31/25] - Vice Chair
Raj Manimaran [Term exp. 12/31/25]
Rodney T. Jenkins  [Term exp. 12/31/26]
Charles L. Maack [Term exp. 12/31/26]
Joanne Mullowney [Term exp. 12/31/25]
Robert Kirby [Term exp. 12/31/25]
Eddie M. Roberts Jr. [Term exp. 12/31/26]
Eashwayne A. Haughton [Term exp. 12/31/26]
Sanket S. Shah, Esq., [Term exp.  12/31/25]



Mailing Address
Ewing Environmental Commission
Ewing Municipal Building
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

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Environmental Commission Information

The Ewing Environmental Commission (EEC) is an appointed board composed of nine Ewing residents dedicated to preserving, protecting, developing and using natural resources within Ewing Township. The EEC may conduct research into the use and possible use of the open land areas of the Township and may be called upon to advise the Mayor, Township Council and Planning Board on the same. Members serve staggered three year terms.

Ewing Township’s Environmental Commission (EEC), was established by ordinance in 1974 and has met continuously since.  The Commission plays a role in land development decisions in the Township including performing environmental site reviews for the Planning Board.


The Ewing Environmental Commission is an active member of ANJEC, the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions.  ANJEC is a non profit organization which provides resources to environmental commissions throughout the state to preserve natural resources and promote sustainable communities. 

More information...

The Ewing Environmental Commission also maintains an independent website, located at  

Ewing Environmental Commission Logo

EEC Documents

Environmental Pages

Emerald Ash Borer - what you need to know