Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00

(609) 883-2900 
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

Senior Citizen Advisory Committee


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(p) (609) 883-1776 X6206
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Mailing address
Ewing Seniors
Township of Ewing
320 Hollowbrook Drive
Ewing, NJ 08638

Board Members

Jane Notta [Term exp. 12/31/27]
Terry Harker [Term exp. 12/31/26]
Frances Zenchak [Term exp. 12/31/27]
Lorraine D. Hall - Chair [Term exp. 12/31/25]
Sylvia D. Carroll [Term exp 12/31/26]
Tula Arland [Term exp. 12/31/25]
Ed Smith [Term exp. 12/31/26]
June Bailey [Term exp. 12/31/26]
Constance Wilson [Term exp. 12/31/25]
Eileen McManimon - Co-Chair [Term exp. 12/31/25]
Maryann Repko [Term exp. 12/31/27]
Joseph Schmeltz [Term exp. 12/31/25]
June S. LiMato [Term exp.12/31/27]
Sarah Steward, Council Liaison [Term exp. 12/31/25]
Kathleen Ragoonath [Term Exp. 12/31/25]

Senior Citizen Advisory Committee

The Senior Citizens’ Advisory Committee was authorized in 1998 to advise the Mayor on matters of concern to residents over the age of 60 who reside in the Township.  Members of the committee work to identify residents’ needs on issues such as recreation, housing, nutrition and medical care and recommend strategic solutions and programs.  The committee is appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Township Council.


The Committee consists of 15 Township residents who are at least 60 years of age and are broadly representative of the senior population of Ewing.  Members are appointed for three year terms.  Vacancies are filled for unexpired terms only.  The Mayor may, on the expiration of the term or resignation of a member, appoint that member as a member emeritus. The member must have served on the Committee for not less than six years to qualify for such appointment. Such member shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of any regular member with the exception that the member emeritus shall have no vote on any matter.


Members of the Committee elect one of their members to serve as Chairperson at the first regular meeting each January and other officers as deemed necessary.  Kathleen Ragoonath, Supervisor of the Ewing Senior Citizen Department, serves as secretary/coordinator of the Committee.

Sponsored Programs and Events

The program provides in-house services related to senior health and well-being, a full array of regularly scheduled and seasonal social activities, local transportation assistance through a free van service, computer training and information and referrals on programs of interest to seniors.  For more information see the Ewing Seniors and Senior Newsletters pages on this website.

Senior Newsletters

Senior Meeting Schedule

20 Feb
Senior General Meeting
Date 02.20.2025 10:00 am
20 Mar
Senior General Meeting
03.20.2025 10:00 am
17 Apr
Senior General Meeting
04.17.2025 10:00 am
15 May
Senior General Meeting
05.15.2025 10:00 am
19 Jun
Senior General Meeting
06.19.2025 10:00 am