Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Closed from 12–1pm

(609) 883-2900 
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

Cannabis Advisory Committee

Committee Members

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Mayor
[Term exp. 12/31/25]
Jennifer Keyes-Maloney - Council President
[Term exp. 12/31/25]
Tom Valeri [Term exp. 12/31/27]
Malissa Arnold [Term exp. 12/31/27]
Rev. Darrell Armstrong  [Term exp. 12/31/27]
Maeve Cannon - Twp Attorney
[support only]
Chuck Latini - Twp. Planner
[support only]

Upcoming CAC Meetings

3 Feb
Cannabis Advisory Committee Meeting
Date 02.03.2025 3:00 pm
3 Mar
7 Apr
5 May
2 Jun

The Cannabis Advisory Committee (CAC) is an appointed municipal body consisting of a broad representation from the Township including: the Mayor, Council President, Chief of Polices, two (2) Mayoral appointees, including one member of the business community, and two (2) Council appointees, including one member from the municipal alliance committee, known as the "Ewing Drug/Alcohol Awareness Committee." 

Members, excluding the Mayor and Chief of Police, are appointed for 3 year terms.  None shall be affiliated with any New Jersey Adult Use Cannabis Business, Medical Cannabis establishment, or a prospective licensee for either.   Members serve without compensation. 

The CAC was formed according to Ordiance 22-03, adopted February 8, 2002: amending  Chapter 127, Cannabis Businesses; and adding Chapter 14, Article XVII, Cannabis Advisory Committee to Boards, Commissions and Committees. 


The Cannabis Advisory Committee (CAC) will act as the body for local review for the Township for all potential cannabis licensees seeking to operate within the Township of Ewing.  

Their work shall be based on information contained in any Request for Proposals (“RFP”) issued by the Governing Body and shall be made consistent with the criteria outlined in Chapter 127, Cannabis Businesses, in addition to the issuance of detailed application criteria made available prior to RFP release.

The work of the CAC will be supported by the Township Attorney and the Township Planning and Zoning Office, plus additional resources as requested.  

The authority and responsibility to activate, suspend, and revoke such licenses remains with the Ewing Township Council.

Additional Information ...

For additional information about engaging in a Cannabis related business in the Township of Ewing, please see the following webpages: