Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Closed from 12–1pm

(609) 883-2900 
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

Redevelopment Agency

Hours & Contact

Executive Director
Charles W. Latini, PP AICP
L & G Planning
p: (212) 203-5137

General Counsel
Kevin McManimon, ESQ.
Scotland & Baumann
p: (609) 695-6070

Mailing Address

Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency
Municipal Complex
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

Office Hours

Office hours are held by appointment. CLICK HERE to make an appointment.

Redevelopment Agency Information

The Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency (ETRA) was established in 1998 to encourage revitalization of the Ewing Township business district through implementation of the OARP Redevelopment Plan.

Since its inception, the Agency’s role in the betterment of the Township has solidified and expanded. Accordingly, the Agency is playing a strong role in the Redevelopment of the former General Motors and Naval Warfare center through the Parkway Avenue Redevelopment Plan.  In July 2023, a Town Center Redevelopment Plan was further approved by the Planning Board that was designed to complement the Parkway Avenue Redevelopment Plan.  It addresses the  ability for the area immediately surrounding these major redevelopment initiatives to evolve and compliment them.

Redevelopment is a work in progress. The Plans and on-going planning efforts are meant to guide the market through a common vision and by  providing a framework for land use and development within the Township. While it is the intention of the ETRA to let market forces guide reinvestment, while encouraging it through financial incentives and infrastructure improvements. The designation of the redevelopment area and adoption of a redevelopment plan provides an opportunity to provide property tax incentives, in conjunction with special loan programs to encourage and invigorate these forces.

ETRA, by statute, is an autonomous organization of the Township comprising seven residents appointed by Council, and employing an Executive Director and legal counsel. Each Commissioner must attend a mandatory two courses at the Bloustein School of Government in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Commissioners serve a five year term on a voluntary basis with no compensation.

Redevelopment Agency Calendar

2 Oct
Redevelopment Commission
Date 10.02.2024 7:00 pm
15 Oct
Redevelopment Commission
10.15.2024 7:00 pm
6 Nov
Redevelopment Commission
11.06.2024 7:00 pm
4 Dec
Redevelopment Commission
12.04.2024 7:00 pm
17 Dec
Redevelopment Commission
12.17.2024 7:00 pm
Redevelopment Agency Financial Documents

Board Members

Robert A. Kull, PP, AICP [Term exp. 12/31/25]
Patrice Coleman-Boatwright [Term exp. 12/31/26]
Shirley Carter [Term exp. 12/31/28]
Joseph-Mark Mirabella [Term exp. 12/31/27]
Joseph Murphy [Term exp. 12/31/26]
Terrence Stokes [Term exp. 12/31/25]
Carl Benedetti, Sr. [Term exp. 12/31/24]
Charles Latini, Executive Director
Kevin P. McManimon, Attorney


Revitalizing areas like Olden Avenue is hard work. Years of development that evolved into a mix of businesses and a declining industrial complex challenging the border of 3 communities (Trenton, Lawrence and Ewing), redevelopment takes several forms;

  • New development implementing the Plan and its design standards;
  • Existing businesses become incentivized to reinvest as progress is revealed through new investment;
  • Township leadership working with State and County funding sources to implement the infrastructure improvements envisioned; and,
  • The public-private partnerships necessary to effectuate real change.

The Olden Avenue Redevelopment Plan is designed to make the Township’s main commercial business district a more palatable place for the neighborhoods that surround it and commuters traversing through it to shop. Since the Plan’s major revision in 2009, tremendous progress has been made. Through strong design standards that coordinate the needs of a particular site’s development and use with that of the surrounding community, the aesthetics along the Avenue are improving.

True success however is ultimately measured by voluntary improvements in facades, landscaping, and signage – which are in-fact occurring. As additional funds are pursued to continue redesigning the Avenue itself, the Township’s main commercial spine will be well positioned for the future. The Township has also implemented a Façade Improvement Program, which we encourage the business community to pursue.


The Parkway Avenue area is not meant to supplant the effort along Olden Avenue but is an effort entirely different and complimentary. The opportunity to create a special place in the geographic center of the community, where once stood the center of area’s main income source, is unparalleled. Since the Plan’s adoption in 2012, the Township has been hard at work negotiating the details of an exciting development that will transform the Township by creating a place where people will be able to live, work, and play. For more information on this project CLICK HERE.

We invite you to review our directory and meeting times. Familiarize yourself with the Olden Avenue Redevelopment Plan (OARP) or better yet, take a look at and frequent the businesses in our community below.

ETRA By-laws

Mercer County Transportation Study

Town Center Redevelopment Plan