Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Ewing, NJ 08628
Ewing Township has joined the New Jersey Attorney General’s “Project Medicine Drop” initiative and installed a Project Medicine Drop box at police headquarters. So if your medicine cabinet is filled with unused medications that you no longer use, this is an easy and convenient way to dispose of them properly. The practice of flushing unused medications down the toilet is no longer recommended because of concerns about trace levels of drug residues found in surface water, such as rivers and lakes, and in some community drinking water supplies. Dropping off unneeded drugs in a Project Medicine Drop box is also an important tool in fighting drug abuse and keeping medications from falling into the hands of anyone who might abuse them.
“In an ongoing effort to continually expand the services offered to the community, we are happy to announce Ewing’s participation in Project Medicine Drop. The drop box provides a safe and convenient location for everyone in our community to drop off unused and expired medications. I encourage all Ewing residents to be aware of this resource and use it as a way to help prevent any potential for abuse,” said Mayor Bert Steinmann.
“Project Medicine Drop is a great addition to our commitment to public safety and the fight against opiate and prescription pill abuse. The drop box will give residents a quick, easy and effective mechanism to safely dispose of unneeded medication without the fear of those medications ending up in the wrong hands,” Ewing Police Chief John Stemler said.
The Project Medicine Drop Box is located next to the information window of the police department at 2 Jake Garzio Drive. Residents may visit the Ewing Police Department at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to dispose of their unused or excess medications. No liquids, medical wastes, or syringes will be accepted. Residents are reminded to remove name and address labels from any containers prior to disposal. In addition, the department also has a mobile drop box, which residents can utilize for medication disposal while attending various township events. Those events that the mobile drop box will be at shall be announced on the township website and department website.
Project Medicine Drop is an important component of the New Jersey Attorney General’s effort to stop the diversion and abuse of prescription drugs, including highly addictive opiate painkillers. This initiative also protects New Jersey’s environment by keeping these drugs of the landfills and out of the water supply.
Members of the public are invited to visit the Project Medicine Drop sites and drop off any unused prescription medications anonymously and with no questions asked. Most Project Medicine Drop sites make this service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
More information about Project Medicine Drop, including the full list of Project Medicine Drop locations, can be found at
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