Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Closed from 12–1pm
Ewing, NJ 08628
Grasscycling is the natural recycling of grass by leaving clippings on the lawn when mowing. Grass clippings decompose quickly, returning valuable nutrients back into the soil.
Did you know that grass clippings are considered solid waste and are a major part of New Jersey’s municipal solid waste stream? That means you should grasscycle them or (as a last resort) they can go in your trash can for garbage collection. They are labeled solid waste because they compost differently than other organic waste. They become anaerobic very quickly because of their high demand for oxygen. After becoming anaerobic, they emit strongly unpleasant odors. Therefore, grass clippings (in quantity) are difficult to handle and to process. Composting (at scale) is not feasible because it requires specialized equipment and sites, separate permits from the DEP, and as it breaks down, any residue of pesticide and herbicides go almost directly into the storm sewers. For these reasons no other Mercer County community provides grass clipping pickup other than as trash.
The EPA reports that grass clippings are a significant part of yard trimmings - approximately 50%. Yard trimmings made up about 35.4 million tons of US municipal solid waste (MSW) in 2018, accounting for 12.1% of the total MSW generated, a significant amount of which still ends up in landfills. The EPA further estimates that during the peak months in spring, summer, and fall, yard trimmings can account for as much as 25 – 50% of municipal waste, making it one of the costliest items for the Township to dispose of. [1][2]
Ewing Township encourages every resident to use alternative disposal methods for grass clippings. These include the use of mulching mowers and home composting. In most cases, lawn contractors will remove the clippings if requested. Alternatively, residents may put grass clippings in bags for collection on their regular garbage day. Please use this method of disposal only as a last resort. If you must put grass clippings at the curb for collection, place the grass clippings in plastic bags in your garbage can. Your cooperation in packaging your clippings in smaller bags will make collection proceed more efficiently and safely. Bags of grass left in the street can block heavy summer rains from reaching the storm drains and cause localized flooding of streets.
As a Ewing resident, you are already helping to avoid air pollution and wasted resources by recycling. You can do more by reducing waste at the source. Leave the grass clippings on your lawn when you mow, and let nature do the recycling.
To Enjoy a Healthier Lawn!
You'll fertilize your yard for free as you cut it! Grass clippings add beneficial organic matter to the soil, which helps make lawns greener and healthier. Healthy lawns crowd out weeds.
To Save Money!
Grass clippings act as a natural fertilizer and reduce fertilizer requirements by up to 50%.
Green waste collection programs are costly. Grasscycling helps keep garbage collection rates and your taxes down. You’ll also avoid purchasing yard waste bags.
To Save Time!
Grasscycling saves time and the hassle of bagging, raking, and disposing grass clippings.
To Help the Environment!
Helping the environment can begin at home. Grasscycling allows you to make a personal contribution by:
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