Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Closed from 12–1pm
Ewing, NJ 08628
Mailing Address
Construction Office
Township of Ewing
1666 Pennington Road
Ewing, NJ 086218
p: (609) 883-2900
f: (609) 406-1384
Hours of Operation
M - F - 8:30am - 4pm
**Closed 12pm - 1pm daily**
Enforcement of Ewing’s local Township Code/ Ordinances regarding:
Issuance of permits for driveway modifications, as well as those for curbs, sidewalks, and aprons. Driveway inspections are performed by Local Code Compliance staff; those of curbs, sidewalks and aprons are performed by the Department of Public Works staff.
Any person desiring to make any opening or excavation in any of the streets or rights-of-way in the Township of Ewing shall apply for a permit from the Superintendent of Roads, pursuant to Chapter 4, Administration of Government, § 4-37D of the Ewing Township Ordinances. No street opening shall occur within five years of any street having been surfaced, except in the event of an emergency. Work may be done on an emergency basis by any person maintaining pipes, lines or underground conduits in or under the surface of any street when emergency circumstances demand that the work be done immediately and where the permit could have reasonably or practically been obtained beforehand. Such a person, business or franchise must apply for the permit on the first regular business day on which the Township is open for business. The permit will be retroactive to the date when the work was done.
Before any permit shall be issued to open or excavate in any street or rights-of-way in the township, the applicant shall provide the Township with a surety bond to guarantee the faithful performance of the work. The amount will be determined by the Superintendent of Roads, with a minimum amount of $1000.
For a copy of the Street Opening Permit and related applications, please visit our Paper Applications and Forms section on this page.
Any structure that is considered vacant in accordance with the Township code must be registered with the Code Enforcement Office. The registration form must be completed in full. Click here for the form.
For full details about vacant properties in the Township's Ordinances please see the code at §161-10.
For further information please contact Lisa Litz, Code Enforcement Administrative Assistant at (609) 883-2900 x 7677 or email her at
Please contact the Ewing Police (609) 882-1313 for any activity that seems questionable.
For more information for property owners and what to do if you should find yourself living next to a vacant property please check our Vacant Properties page.