Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Ewing, NJ 08628
This Ewing Township Honor Roll honors Township residents who have served in our country's wars. The small photo on the right is from the dedication of a WWII Honor Roll of residents from the Ewingville area in town that was originally on the corner of Ewingville Road & Rte. 31, next to the what is currently a Citgo station. The dedication was held on November 21, 1943 with many dignitaries and civic leaders paying tribute to those who were serving our country.
The Honor Roll stood as a reminder of our WWII heroes until the mid-50s when it was taken down. John Vernam salvaged it, storing it for nearly 50 years in his barn, until it was donated to Ewing Township. The Township hoped to restore it, but it was beyond repair. In about 2000, Harry Masterson worked to have a replica made and installed behind the municipal building. It was damaged beyond repair in a recent storm and is no longer standing.
The Township also established plaques representing various periods of service listing Ewing servicemen and women. These are now located at the Ewing Senior and Community Center (ESCC) on Lower Ferry Road and can be viewed on the wall outside of the Ewing Patriotic Committee office.
A Purple Heart Walk recognizing Township members of the Armed Forces who earned the Purple Heart for having been wounded, killed, or who died of injuries sustained during service, was established at the Major General George J. Betor Veterans Memorial Park in 1994. For more information about this memorial go to our Purple Heart Walk page.
This page was compiled with the assistance of the Ewing Patriotic Committee which has faithfully kept records of Ewing servicemen and women over the years and unfailingly remembered and honored them.
To learn more about the work of this committee, please go to their Board page on this website.
John Burroughs | Israel Carle | Benjamin Clarke Jr. |
John Dean | William Green | William B. Green |
William R. Green | John Guild | Benjamin Hendrickson |
Amos Howell | Daniel Howell | Ezekiah Howell |
Israel Howell | John Howell | John Howell |
Peter Howell | Timothy Howell | William Howell |
Benjamin Jones | Joshua Jones | Ralph Lanning Jr. |
Ralph Lanning Sr. | Benjamin Moore | Israel Moore |
Jesse Moore | Sackett Moore | William S. Moore |
Richard Palmer | Joseph H. Purdy | Andrew Reeder |
Isaac Reeder | John Reeder | Stephen Rose |
Amos Scudder | Joseph Tindall |
Joseph Behm | Paul Brophy | Frank Conway * |
Andrew Dutch | Charles Eggert | James Estis |
Stacy Fine | Raymond Forst | C.E. Groves |
Phillip Harned | Lucius Higgins | Stewart Hale |
Frank Hochschild | Elmer Hutchins | Clifford Jaeger |
Elmer Johns | Benjamin Kaufman - Army (
Egbert Lane |
Charles Lanning | George Moore | Clifford Prall |
James Reid | William Reed | Robert Ryan |
Fred Sanford | Harris Sernberger | Walter Simcox |
Leo Vannoy | John Vernam Jr. | Warren Vernam |
Joseph Volk | Frank Walsh | Harry Walsh |
Thomas Walsh | Joseph Whitley | Ray Whitley |
William Whitley | Clifford Whitlock | Harry Wilson |
John Abbott | John Abbotts | William Abbotts 3rd |
George H. Alcock | Louis M. Anchinsko | Chester Anderson Jr. |
Kenneth Anderson Jr. | William Anderson * | William J. Andreas |
John Proctor Arthur - Army | Maurice C. Bellando; | Albert Bennett |
John Blackton - Army | Ernest M. Boan | C. Emmett Brophy |
John J. Cashel | Clarence H. Cochran | H. T. Cochran |
Brooks B. Cooper | William L. Cubberley | John Cullen |
Kenneth H. Deith | Russell P. Dey Jr. | William E. Disbrow - Army |
John D. Dow - Air Force | Carl Dow William N. Eames | John Eberhardt - Army |
Robert C. Engle | Miller F. Engemann | Eileen Fell - Navy |
Howard R. Firman | Douglas C. Fisher | Everett B. Fisher Jr. |
William Fort Jr. | John Fox | Edward R. Gainsborg |
Harry J. Geller Jr. | Sebastian Giallella - Navy | Jack L. Hall - Coast Guard |
Leroy B. Harrison | John W. Hendrickson - Air Force | Leon E. Hendrickson - Navy |
James W. Herbert - Air Force | William R. Hibbs Jr. | Howard G. Hinkle |
William W. Hinkle | Richard D. Housner | Charles F. Huddy Sr. |
Charles F. Huddy Jr. | Robert V. Hunt | David B. Jackson |
Paul H. Jackson | T. Bain Jackson | Francis C. Jobst * |
Harry Klein, Jr. - Army | Frank S. Kleinkauf *-Merchant Marines | Thomas E. Kucker |
Clarence R. Lambert | Harold W. Lambert | Wilfred N. Lambert |
Grace M. Larrabee | Regena E. Larrabee | Richard D. Larrabee |
W. L. Larrabee, Jr. | Edward J. Leary | Samuel Leventhal |
Charles M. Lewis | Jesse A. Lewis | Charles C. Madden |
John E. McLaughlin - Army | Richard J. Metz | Ray. L. North Jr. * |
Anthony D. Peluso | Lloyd C. Price Sr. | James H. Regan |
Warner P. Roberts | Walter J. Robinson Jr. | Ben W. Rounds |
David E. Rounds | Stuart B. Rounds | Edward E. Saltmer |
Fred H. Sandford Jr. | Fred Schiable | Harold Schiable |
Dorsey L. Schiable | Paul. E. Schmidt | Fred A. Seabridge |
John L. Seitz | Max H. Seitz | Charles Smith - Army |
Walter Smith - Army | William E. Smith | Edward Sneddon - Army |
Frank Sochalski- Marines | Charles A. Sommers | Esther Stackhouse |
Claude T. Staten | Fred Stahuber | Joseph Steigler |
Daniel Sullivan | John L. Sullivan | Mina L. Sutcliffe |
Robert C. Sutcliffe - Air Force | John Szalony | Jacob G. Tash |
James Walter Taliferro | Carl J. Toomey | Joseph M. Toomey |
Jonah Umstead - Army | Richard Updike - Army | Joseph C. Van Fleet |
Arthur C. Vernam - Air Force | Edmund B. Vernam - Cost Guard | John W. Vernam III - Navy |
William S. Vernam - Marines | Patricia Whitehead | Samuel C. Whitehead - Coast Guard |
Anthony Wilkin - Army | Clarence H. Wilson | John R. Wyks |
Joseph W. Wyks | George Wylie - Navy |
Phil Allen | Charles Anderson | Lewis Bambrick |
William Bennett | Dr. John A. Belton | Charles Bish |
Eward A. Bodine | Charles O. Buckland | John Buckley |
Richard J. Butterfield | Reginald Cantto | John Canulli |
Joseph Canulli | Billl Comisky | Henry F. Comisky |
Pasquale Cortina | Richard A. Dale | George J. DeBlois |
Al DeBlosio | Joseph Denarsky | Richard A. Donnelly |
John W. Elder Sr. | Ben Falkenberg | Thomas Flynn |
William C, Forst III | John R. Foster | John Fox |
Anthony Gambino | Charles Geter | Richard C. Grier |
Jim Gross | Hubert R. Hamilton | David H. Hinton |
Philip Howley | Sgt. Wm. R. Hunsicker | John C. Hutchinson |
Harry "DOC" Jammer | Charles L. Ketterer | Ron Koslowski |
Joseph S. Lenarsky | Jack Macaulay | Nicholas J. Maldari |
Isador Markowitz - Col. Army | Thomas Tyler Moore | Jack Morris |
Charles Mune | Charles J. Nalbone | Billy J. O'Neal Sr. |
Alfred Peluso | Dick Powell - A/1st class USAF | Larry Ray |
Doyle M. Rowell | Joe Ryzkowski | William A. Salb |
Joseph Scannella | Max H. Seitz | Jack Smith |
Mary Smith | John Wesley Stoop | Frank Szalony |
Jeffthroe Walker Sr. | Gerald J. Wargo Sr. | Charles Weyland |
John H. Weyland | Dr. John J. Womble Sr. | George Wylie |
Otto W. Zehl |
Mike Angermiller | Ferdinand Bastedo | Dennis J. Brophy * - Army |
David Brown | Sherman Chapman Jr. * -Army | Ron Chmielewski |
Charles Cruser | Chris Danberry | Ronald DeCoff |
Robert DeFlesco Jr. | Ronald DeLorenzo * - Marines | David Evans |
Richard Fink | John Fox | Robert Gray - E5 Army |
Earl Griffis | Russell Hanauer | Chuck Heenan - Sgt. Army |
William Hill | Richard Hopkins Jr. | William T. Jacobus * - Army |
Harvey Johnson | Dan C. Jones | John C. Jones |
L. Jones Jr. | Paul Laba | Joel Leeson |
Bob Litz - Army | Warren Lively II * - Army | Ray Lubina |
Elisa Lycol - Navy | James Maddock | Frank Manfredi |
Harry Masterson Jr. - Army | Ron Mittelstaedt | William Murphy |
John T. Nelson | Rose Notarian | Ronald A. Petro - Army |
Frank Rickette | Val Rishko | William Scarbrough |
John Smallwood | Fred Smart III | Joseph Spinelli |
Andrew M. Styner Sr. - Army | Jerry Sylvia * - Marines | Nick Tackas |
Randy Taweel | Mike Termun | Preston H. Turner Jr. * - Marines |
Harry E. Wagner * - Marines | Mark Wetherbee | Steven J. Wilfing - Army |
Robert W. Worthington * - Army | Wesley Wyckoff |
Bert Allen III | Allen Barth | Donna Baumgartner |
Patricia A. Baylog | Lois Bennett | Jerome L. Bounds |
Larry W. Cabell | Mike Colucci | Curtis Davis |
Michael Delahanty | Sarif B. El-Amin | Ralph Floyd |
David Gardner | Bill Grocott | John R. Gusz |
Eric Lamont Hood | Arthur Hunt | James Idland |
Rolf Idland | Charles Lifton | George Malick Jr. |
Tony Marchetti | Troy Marshall | Robert S. Neiman |
Christopher Page | Robert E. Peeck | Hubert Perry |
James Phillips Jr. | Inez Prioleau | Robert Price |
Alberta Walker Robinson | Raymond A. Schwab | James Shaler |
Raymond Smythe | Peter J. Soden | Mark Spaniccaiti |
Daniel Stackhouse | James Tuland | Michael Tulumello |
Charlene Tulumello | Michael Valencia | Alberta Walker |
David Wandishin | Robert J. Warren | Richard Wesner |
Jerry Yatskowitz | John Zalarick |