Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Closed from 12–1pm
Ewing, NJ 08628
Why choose Ewing...
Bid Opportunities
Business Assistance
Business Directory Submission Form
Cannabis Information
Doing Business with Ewing Township
Economic Development Office
Ewing Profile
Ewing Township Master Plan
Permits and Applications
Planning and Zoning
--- Planning Board
--- Zoning Board
Planning Studies
Redevelopment Agency
-- GM & Naval
Township Code
Zoning Map
Zoning Ordinance
Assistance is available for launching your business in Ewing. The following resources will assist you in the process.
Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber of Commerce
A strong advocate for the local business community, serving more than 1600 companies, formed from the merger of the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce and the MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce
State of New Jersey Business Portal
The NJ Business Portal provides the resources you need to grow your business. Online resources are available 24/7, give them a call at 866.534.7789 or contac them by email.
New Jersey Business Action Center
The NJBAC works to connect your business with the appropriate experts to reach your goals. They help get the answers needed from government and regulatory agencies at the local, state and federal level. Produces a useful Starting a New Business Checklist.
New Jersey Economic Development Authority
An independent State agency that finances small and mid-sized businesses, administers tax incentives to retain and grow jobs, revitalizes communities through redevelopment initiatives, and supports entrepreneurial development by providing access to training and mentoring programs.
Small Business Development Center
Provides business advisory services and training to established and new small to mid-sized businesses, and high-impact, growth-oriented businesses. The local office is located here in Ewing at The College of New Jersey.
State of New Jersey Office of Permit Coordination and Environmental Review
The mission of this state office is to coordinate all Federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and State Executive Order # 215 (EO 215) reviews for the Department by the Environmental Review Unit, and to coordinate and facilitate the permitting of large complex projects across multiple Department programs by the Permit Coordination Unit.
New Jersey Clean Energy Program
A statewide program that offers financial incentives, programs and services for New Jersey business owners to help them save energy, money and the environment. offers financial incentives to create a more efficient New Jersey. Learn more about the energy use of businesses like yours to see how your business is performing. Integrate energy efficient, new technology into your buildings and equipment upgrades, make your facilities more efficient and receive big dividends on efficiency investments. Give them a call at 866-657-6278. Program highlights include:
- Direct Install - Save up to 70% up front on your energy upgrades. Sounds too good to be true? Check out businesses in Ewing that have taken advantage of these savings and read Mayor Steinmann's letter of endorsement for the program.
- Energy Benchmarking - a free service that assesses the energy performance of your facilities compared to similar buildings.
Minority Business Development Agency
Works to link minority-owned businesses with the capital, contracts, and markets they need to grow. They advocate and promote minority-owned business with elected officials, policy makers, and business leaders. Serving as subject matter experts and advocates for the minority business community, they conduct high quality research and cultivate domestic and international relationships.
New Jersey Sustainable Business Registry
Get the recognition you deserve and promote your sustainable business or nonprofit organization across the state. The Registry is open to companies of all types and there is no cost to join.