Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Closed from 12–1pm
Ewing, NJ 08628
The Ewing Township Animal Control Officer operates under the auspices of the Health Department and enforces all municipal and state regulations concerning the care and treatment of animals. He/she responds to citizen complaints concerning small animals, picks up strays, investigates animal bites, removes dead animals from Township roadways and provides rescue for sick, mistreated or abandoned animals at the township’s animal shelter.
Ewing Township Animal Control does NOT remove healthy wildlife and relocate or lend traps for nuisance wildlife control. New Jersey Fish and Game laws require a specific set of circumstances before wildlife can be disturbed. Also, due to the current rabies epidemic, state wildlife regulations prohibit the release of wildlife anywhere other than the location where it was trapped. In most cases, fox, coyotes, etc. are more scared of humans than humans are of them. Wildlife will usually keep their distance.
All dogs age seven months or older must be licensed and immunized against rabies infection, with the latter expiring no earlier than April 1 of the coming year. Licenses may be renewed each June and are valid for one calendar year. Proof of immunization and sterilization (if applicable) is required at the time of licensing. Licensing is managed by the Municipal Clerk's Office. For more information see the Dog Licensing page on this website. Ewing Township Code §97.
The animal control officer also investigates all complaints regarding mistreated, neglected or diseased animals.
All dogs must be on leashes at all times when outside of your fenced in property and supervised.
Cat owners are encouraged to keep cats as INDOOR pets and be sure they are spayed/neutered.
Did you know that animal waste from pets can pollute our waters? When left on the ground, pet waste is washed by rain and melting snow and ice into storm drains that carry it to our rivers, lakes, the ocean and drinking water.
Animal waste contains a high concentration of nutrients as well as bacteria and disease-causing microorganisms that can cause problems.
You are required by law to pick up dog feces after your dog. (§97-3).
All animal bites should be reported to the Health Department to reduce the risk from aggressive animals and to help curb the potential transmission of rabies.
Please also try to remember as many details of the incident as possible including:
Carrie Klakowicz x7175
Nyesha Foster X7621
Kim Ross X7622
P: (609) 883-2900 ext. 7691
f: (609) 883-0215
Mailing Address
Township of Ewing
Public Health Officer
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628
609-883-2900 x 7175
After-Hours: Call the Ewing Police Department at 609-882-1313
Health Department Hours
(except holidays)
M-F 8:30am - 4:30pm
Animal Control Hours
(except holidays)
M-F 8:30am - 4:30pm
Published by the NJ Department of Health
How hot is too hot for your dog? Body temperatures vary depending on your dog's size, so there is no specific ideal temperature. Most dogs begin to show signs of overheating when air temps are between 81 - 85⁰ F.
Signs of Heatstroke in dogs and cats
When you are building an Emergency Kit as a part of your Disaster Preparedness planning, don't forget to include your pet and his supplies. A Pet emergency supply kit typically includes food, water, medicine, first aid kit, collar with ID tag, a harness and leash, travel crate, vaccination record and microchip info, grooming items and toys/treats, sanitation needs including a litter box for your cat. Don't forget that many hotels and public shelters do not allow pets inside. Know a safe place where you can take your pet. Find a backup caregiver in case you cannot get to your pet.