Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00

(609) 883-2900 
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

Government Structure

Ewing Government Pages

Ewing Government Home
Public Documents Center
Government Structure
Office of the Mayor
Our Council

Mailing Address

Ewing Township Municipal Building
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

Upcoming Mayor and Council Meetings

Ewing’s municipal government is run in accordance with the Faulkner Act of 1950 and operates under the Mayor-Council Form of Government.  This form of government provides for election of a mayor and five council members.  It was implemented in January 1995, based on the recommendations of a Charter Study Commission. 

The Faulkner Act is the NJ state law which determines how the different forms of local government organize themselves and function.  In Ewing, the Township has a strong Mayor/Council form of government, which means the Mayor devises policy for the day-to-day operation of the town and executes it with the help of an administrator.  The Faulkner Act also provides for the direct election of the Mayor, who serves a four-year term.  This form of government is designed for a Mayor to be independent of Council, in charge of the administration of the municipality.

Office of the Mayor

The Mayor:

  • Serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Ewing Township
  • Oversees the administration of the Township
  • Supervises all municipal departments and appoints directors of each
  • Implements township programs and services and enforces municipal ordinances
  • Prepares and oversees the municipal operating and capital budget and purchasing
  • Negotiates contracts (subject to Council approval)
  • May attend Council Meetings and take part in discussions, propose legislation, but can not vote except under special circumstances.  The Mayor can veto ordinances, subject to override by a two-thirds majority of the entire Council.   


The Township Council is the Township’s legislative body.  It is responsible for approving the Township Budget.  Council also creates and maintains local ordinances.  The Council President organizes how it conducts its business.  The Council holds its public meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month at 6:30 p.m.  On the fourth Tuesday of the Month at 6:00 pm Council hears a report from the Health Officer as Council also acts as the Township's Board of Health.

All Council members in Ewing are elected at large; they may be partisan or nonpartisan.  Council members are elected to four-year terms, with two or three members being elected every two years.  

The Township Council is assisted in its work by the Township Attorney, who prepares ordinances and advises on legal issues; the Township Clerk, who prepares Resolutions, Agendas and Minutes for all Council meetings and the Township Business Administrator.

For more detailed information on the duties of the Mayor and Council see the Township Codebook

Business Administrator

Ewing Township employs a professional business administrator to manage the day-to-day operations of the township and to be the director of the Department of Administration.

Municipal Clerk

The Municipal Clerk is responsible for the custody of all municipal records and documents, managing Election Day activities and voter registration, processing various municipal permits or licenses, and being a focal point of contact with citizens who have various inquiries into the local government process.  The Office acts also as correspondent to the elected governing body and is responsible for preparing the Agenda and recording Minutes for all Council meetings.