Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Closed from 12–1pm

(609) 883-2900 
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

Plant for Pollinators…

National Pollinator  Week ( June 17 – 23, 2024)

 Pollinator Week LogoEvery garden matters and can make a difference in our world of threatened ecosystems and loss of biodiversity.  The Ewing Green Team created “Wild About Ewing” in 2018, an initiative in pursuit of certifying Ewing gardens with the National Wildlife Federation to support wildlife.  Through this program, the Green Team encourages all Ewingites to create gardens that are more than just personal sanctuaries, but also refuges for birds, bees, toads, frogs, and many other small creatures with whom we share this world.  Refuges where they can find a home that offers food, water, cover, a place to rear their young.  Places that are free of unhealthy chemicals. If you are doing this, you are gardening for wildlife.

During National Pollinator Week we are reminded of the need to provide food and habitat for our threatened pollinators.  These include bees, butterflies, beetles, moths, wasps, flies, and even the birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles that also assist with pollination chores.  This need is critical because of the essential role these pollinators play in producing many crops.  The sharp decline in their numbers is due to habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change.

Things You Can Do for Pollinators

  1. Plant native plants (trees, shrubs, perennials, ground coves…) for pollinators. Use plants that provide nectar and pollen sources.
  2. Eliminate or reduce the use of pesticides.
  3. Provide a water source. Wildlife needs clean water to survive. It need not be large.  Backyard ponds, bird baths, and puddles have immense value to creatures always looking for a clean, reliable source of water.  
  4. Plan out your garden to establish continuous bloom throughout the growing season so that there is food throughout the growing season.
  5. Help pollinators to find your garden by creating large swaths of color of native or non-invasive plants.
  6. Plant true native species. Avoid cultivars as they are bred for our pleasure, not that of our pollinators and other insect friends. Changing a native plant’s bloom period, color, fragrance, or flower shape could have serious detrimental effects on the hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, and other wildlife that may use that plant.  Cultivars also lack the genetic diversity that will enable them to best adapt to changing environmental conditions.
  7. Harsh weather and predators are constant threats to wildlife. Cover, such as rock or brush piles, evergreens, snags, and even man-made birdhouses and butterfly houses, all provide needed protection and places to nest. Pollinators and wildlife need wild areas.

If you too are alarmed about the extent of this crisis, we invite you to join us in being “Wild About Ewing” and gardening for pollinators this week and every week.  To learn more, you can contact the Green Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..