Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Closed from 12–1pm
Ewing, NJ 08628
The first 2024 Free Rabies Vaccine Clinic for cats and dogs will be held on Saturday, May 11, 2024.
On Saturday, May 11th from 9 am – 11 am Ewing Township will be hosting a free Drive-Thru Rabies clinic for cats and dogs at the Veteran's Memorial Pavilion located in the rear parking lot of the Municipal Complex.
All citizens and pets will be required to stay in their cars and follow the directions of workers who will guide vehicles through the process around the rear parking lot. Vehicles should enter on Graphics Drive by River Horse Brewery and exit by Jake Garzio Drive
All pets must be brought to the clinic site on a leash or in an appropriate carrier by someone capable of maintaining control of the animal, and pets should remain in the cars with their owners. To determine vaccine eligibility please bring your pet's vaccination records.
For your convenience the Health Department will also be handing out dog license applications during the clinic and will begin accepting applications on June 1st which is the start of the license year.
This event will take place rain or shine.
Finally, we offer this gentle reminder that that picking up after your dog's waste is important for the overall health of our community: your health, the health of your pet, and our environment.
Scooping your dog's poop isn't just common courtesy; it's the healthy and environmentally sound thing to do, AND it's the law! Township ordinance prohibits dog owners from allowing their pet’s waste to remain on private or public land.