Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Closed from 12–1pm
Ewing, NJ 08628
Utility Update - Legionella mitigation
The NJDEP has been working with TWW to implement strategies to optimize the operation of the treatment plant and its distribution system. To help address Legionella in its water system, TWW will initiate a low-velocity water main flushing program throughout its service area in early April 2023 to increase the water circulation throughout the distribution system and to increase and optimize chlorine levels. See the attached flyer for additional details.
Data collected by personnel from TWW, the NJDEP, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determine the selection of the flushing locations in our service area. The goal is to optimize chlorine disinfection to minimize the conditions contributing to pathogens' growth, such as Legionella.
TWW will notify customers regarding the low-velocity water main flushing and do its best to target those impacted areas using social media, its website, and their Robocall system, TWW-Connects, one day before flushing operations begin.
If you have questions about this activity, please call TWW's Office of Communications and Community Relations at (609) 989-3033.