Proper Pet Medicine Disposal

Dispose of Unused Pet Medications Safely with Project Medicine Drop at Ewing Police Headquarters

Pet Medicine Drop OffUnused dugs that remain in medicine cabinets are highly susceptible to theft and misuse.  To prevent any medications from getting into the wrong hands, we recommend that you properly dispose of your expired and unwanted precscriptions, and those of your pets, at the Project Medicine Drop Box at Ewing Police Headquarters.  It is quick and anonymous.  Simply bring in your household prescription and over the counter drugs (syringes and inhalers are not accepted) to our drop off box next to the information window of the Police Department at 2 Jake Garzio Drive. Residents may visit the Ewing Police Department at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The practice of flushing unused medications down the toilet is no longer recommended because of concerns about trace levels of drug residues found in surface water, such as rivers and lakes, and in some community drinking water supplies.  

We suggest that if you can't get to our drop box, that you crush the pills and tables, or add water to dissolve them.  Then mix them with an undesirable substance, such as cat litter or used coffee grounds.  Put the mixter in a disposable container with a lids or use a sealable bag.  Throw the sealed container into the trash.  

Thank you for you help in making Ewing a safer and cleaner community.

Printable flyer.