Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:00
Closed from 12–1pm

(609) 883-2900 
2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

Post-Holiday Christmas Tree Pickup Reminder

Curbside Christmas tree pickup is underway and will continue through the month.  

christmastreeatcurbPlease double check to make sure that all ornaments, lights and tinsel have been removed as the Township practices tree recycling.  Residents may also drop off their trees at Brush Drop Off Convenience Center (at the end of Dover Ave.).  Artificial trees are not part of this collection program. If you want to dispose of an artificial tree, you should place out for your regular trash collection

All trees collected by Township staff are brought to the Brush Drop Off site to be chipped and shredded. The Brush Drop Off site will be closed this year from 1/21/25 and will re-open 3/1/25.

The Ewing Green Team offers the following tips for environmentally- and taxpayer-friendly ways that you can use you tree on your own property.

  • Winter mulch
    Evergreens provide winter insulation for tender plants in your yard and reduce frost heaving. Cut the boughs from the tree and place them over any delicate plants for the winter.   They also help alleviate the weight of snow on branches that might otherwise break from the added load.
  • Mulch with the needles
    Needles from your tree dry out quickly and decompose slowly.  They make an excellent mulch for the garden.  Pine needles are full of nutrients that can enhance the PH of your soil if its more alkaline.  Many on a branch fall off the boughs placed in the beds during the winter. 
  • Brush Pile for Wildlife Habitat
    Wildlife needs snug hiding places and protection from winter weather. Create a small brush pile from the boughs in a back corner of your yard and create a safe place to support our threatened vanishing wildlife.  Or leave your tree intact and place it in its stand outdoors.  Fill it with bird feeders hung from the boughs.  Again, this makes a wonderful addition to wintertime habitat for a variety of small animals such as birds, rabbits, and squirrels…
  • Firewood
    You can use your tree as firewood, but not right away. The wood is wet and can pose a fire hazard. Cut your tree up and let it dry out and then use in an outdoor fire pit.  It’s not good with an inside fireplace but works well outside. 
  • Fresheners
    Make a sachet from the tree’s pine needles to keep that Christmas scent in your home throughout the New Year.

Convenience Centers’ Hours

Dover Ave Brush Drop-off Site
M - F: 7:00am - 3:00pm | Closed 11:30 - 12:30 for lunch.
S: 7:00am - 2:00pm | open continuously

Scotch Road (Public Works):
Bulk section currently closed / will reopen Sat, Mar 29, 2025
Electronic Items
Mon - Sat: 7:30am - 2:30pm
Site closed from 11:30 - 12:30 for lunch